
暖玖小说 > 其他类型 > 《逆光里的微笑》林浅Lin 番外

《逆光里的微笑》林浅Lin 番外

番茄鸡蛋饭只吃西红柿 著



主角:林浅Lin   更新:2025-02-10 17:40:00



男女主角分别是林浅Lin的其他类型小说《《逆光里的微笑》林浅Lin 番外》,由网络作家“番茄鸡蛋饭只吃西红柿”所著,讲述一系列精彩纷呈的故事,本站纯净无弹窗,精彩内容欢迎阅读!小说详情介绍:.Youhavealreadyfoundthelightwithinyourheart.Therestoftheway,youmustwalkonyourown.

《《逆光里的微笑》林浅Lin 番外》精彩片段

. You have already found the light within your heart. The rest of the way, you must walk on your own.
ce interacted with her, trying to piece together a complete picture of her.


翻译:During this journey, Su Mo encountered people of all kinds. Some revealed to him that Lin Qian was once an orphan who had lost her loved ones and, in adversity, learned to be strong and achieve self-redemption; while others said that Lin Qian was a traveler with mysterious powers, whose existence was to heal those with wounded hearts. Each story gave Su Mo a deeper understanding of Lin Qian and strengthened his resolve to find her.




翻译:In a corner of the bustling city, there hides a small shop named

翻译:Every time the night was quiet and peaceful, Su Mo would gently touch the leaf specimen and gaze at the gemstone, as if he could reunite with Lin Qian in his dreams. And on that distant land, the Tree of Against the Light thrived, becoming an eternal symbol connecting the two worlds and witnessing countless miracles of life. It silently watched over the love between Su Mo and Lin Qian, as well as every heart that longed for love and hope.

tually, by chance, Su Mo came to learn a startling secret about Lin Qian. It turned out that Lin Qian was not an ordinary person, but a healing envoy from another world. Due to an accident, she had traveled through time and space to this world and been endowed with the ability to heal peoples hearts. The reason she chose to leave was because her mission had been accomplished and she had to return to her own world.


翻译:Upon learning the truth, Su Mos heart was filled with awe and emotion. He understood that although Lin Qian had left this world, her spirit and strength would forever remain in peoples hearts. He decided to spread Lin Qians story and the philosophy of




